industry leading Cutting edge
award winning academy


    classic lash in person two day course

    Join our award-winning academy and learn from an industry leader and experienced lash educator. We offer courses off the back of our experience of opening an academy, hiring staff, manufacturing a supplies brand, we are passionately dedicated in helping you to achieve the same + so much more.

  • Online Only lash Courses + Refreshers

    Join our online only course options that are perfectly designed to replicate our in-person training curriculum so that you get the best safest possible entrance to your online lash artistry learning.

    Our online only course options range from industry artists seeking up to date theory refreshers, to qualifying industry new artists in classic > handmade volume lashes.

  • E books

    We are dedicated to offering strategic courses that are beneficial to time collapsing your results + increasing your businesses operations at all stages of your business - new > advanced.
    Here you will find all of our business secrets + up to date lash knowledge at a cutting edge affordable price.